Thinking of moving from Sydney to Brisbane, but can’t decide if it’s the right move for your family? As a specialised buyer’s agent in Brisbane, we can help.

We’ve compiled an evaluation of the two cities from someone who has lived in both. This might help you decide on the best city for you and your family. Or at least provide some food for thought.

Moving from Sydney to Brisbane

Which City is Right for You?

1.Cost of Schooling and House Prices 

A major benefit of moving from Sydney to Brisbane is the affordable cost of housing. The cost of property in Brisbane compared to Sydney is considerably less. For example, the median house price for Brisbane is $924,498 compared with Sydney which is $1,627,625. 

Big-ticket items such as private school fees are lower as well. Private school fees at a top school in Brisbane are approximately $30,000 compared with $40,000 in Sydney. These lower living costs ultimately mean that Brisbane locals enjoy a higher quality of life at a lower cost. 

2. Family Friendly Lifestyle

Brisbane outperformed Sydney as the 39th best city in the world to raise a family according to the 2020 global survey of liveable cities, published in CEO World Magazine. Sydney came in at number 47. Brisbane’s success was attributing to the success to its safety, health and education, air quality, affordability, healthcare and family-friendliness. Brisbane offers families a relaxed lifestyle and this holds a lot of appeal for families wanting to escape the hustle and bustle of larger cities.

3. Weather

Certainly, weather in Brisbane is more extreme than Sydney. They don’t call Brisbane the Sunshine State for nothing. The subtropical heat and humidity can take some getting used to. So, Sydney residents should visit Brisbane in summer to see if they can handle the heat before committing to a move.

Luckily most houses in Queensland are equipped to handle the hotter months. Families moving to Brisbane should consider buying a home that includes a pool, air-conditioning, breezeways and a non-West facing entertaining area.

On the other hand. Brisbane winters are much milder than Sydney winters. Undoubtedly the mild winters and perfect spring and Autumn days are a major drawcard for those making the move to Brisbane.Flooding is also an important consideration when moving from Sydney to Brisbane. A buyer’s agent in Brisbane can assist you with flood due diligence. This will ensure you don’t purchase a home that is flood prone.

4. Geographical Size

Obviously, Brisbane is smaller geographically and population-wise (2.5 million in Brisbane vs 5.2 million in Sydney). However, there are plenty of benefits to living in a smaller city. It’s easier and quicker to get around, with less traffic and less crowding. And locals are less stressed overall.

People who have lived in both cities would generally agree that Brisbane is a friendly and easy city to live in. If you prefer a more exciting, fast-paced and vibed-up city then Sydney would be more your cup of tea.

5. Property Styles

The style of houses in Brisbane differs considerably from the style of houses in Sydney. ‘Queenslanders’ are a unique style of architecture common to Brisbane and distinguishes Brisbane’s suburbs from other capital cities.

These raised classic timber and tin homes with wraparound verandas and gables are much loved. They are rich in character and are generally renovated to suit modern day living. Queenslander homes built before 1947 cannot be demolished or removed. There are specific town planning laws regarding renovating them as well.

6. Natural Attractions

For those moving from Sydney to Brisbane, one thing you might miss are the Sydney beaches and beautiful national parks. Luckily, Brisbane families only have to head up or down the coast for some of the most beautiful beaches in Australia. The Gold Coast and Sunshine Coast beaches are a home away from home for Brisbane residents. Noosa, Burleigh and Byron Bay are all a hop, skip and jump from Brisbane. And they’re a huge bonus for lovers of the outdoors and the coastal lifestyle.

7. Daylight Savings

A major difference families notice when moving from Sydney to Brisbane is the lack of daylight savings . An extra hour of daylight for leisure or socialising could be missed if this is what you’re accustomed to. Queensland is the only place on Australia’s east coast that doesn’t wind the clock forward or back. While there is a recurring debate around this issue, the jury is still out on whether Queensland will align itself with the rest of the east coast.

Thinking About a Move from Sydney to Brisbane?

Brisbane and Sydney are both fantastic cities. And there are so many great things about living in both. But if you are you thinking about moving from Sydney to Brisbane, get in touch. As a specialist buyers advocate in Brisbane, we’ve got the expertise to guide you.

Please contact us to see if Brisbane is the right city for you. If you loved our Brisbane vs Sydney comparison, check out our blog on Moving to Brisbane.